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Test Result : LogicalGridLayout prefSize

0 failures (±0)
10 tests (±0)
Took 0.43 sec.

All Tests

Test nameDurationStatus
LogicalGridLayout prefSize considers hgap when passing widthHint if there are multiple children on the same row25 msPassed
LogicalGridLayout prefSize considers weightX when passing widthHint if there are multiple children on the same row24 msPassed
LogicalGridLayout prefSize does not mess comp size up if fill horizontal and fill vertical are false24 msPassed
LogicalGridLayout prefSize passes widthHint to its children22 msPassed
LogicalGridLayout prefSize returns max pref size of its children at on same row incl. insets if useUiHeight is true65 msPassed
LogicalGridLayout prefSize returns pref size of its child incl. insets if useUiHeight is true23 msPassed
LogicalGridLayout prefSize returns row height and column width incl. insets26 msPassed
LogicalGridLayout prefSize uses container width as widthHint if fill horizontal is false and pref width is bigger78 msPassed
LogicalGridLayout prefSize uses preferred width as widthHint if fill horizontal is false73 msPassed
LogicalGridLayout prefSize uses widthInPixel as widthHint76 msPassed